Friday, December 3, 2010

Gattistown School Night

We were very fortunate tonight to have Gattistown have our school to their establishment! We were able to have fun, food, and fellowship! What more could you ask for.... A great time was had by all! Our parents brought us to Gattistown so that we were able to eat and play games with our school friends! While we played games, our parents were able to talk to adults. Take a look at the pictures to see what a great time was had by all!
Mrs. Land and Jayden

James having a great time playing video games!

Brandy playing games!

Food and Fellowship!

Mrs. Grigsby and Taylor

More food and fellowship!

Teachers after a hard day at work having food and fellowship!
Thank you so much to Gattistown for allowing our school to come and enjoy such a wonderful time! A special thanks to ALL the parents who brought their children. It was a memorable evening!

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